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Amateur endurance athletes such as runners, cyclists etc. often make the mistake of not focusing on their nutritional needs and habits and the foremost of them being the process of carb loading before a big endurance event such as a marathon or a trail run.

The importance of energy for endurance activities is often overlooked by many people simply because of the stigma that one should eat nothing before indulging in heavy exercise. The truth is that a light, complex carbohydrate rich snack is integral as a pre-workout meal especially while participating in long runs or races.

Choosing the right kind of carbohydrate rich snack can be quite tricky however and is something that needs to be dealt with a lot of care. If the athlete eats junk full of carbs before the event, their performance is likely to display similar results, however if they use high quality carbohydrates and pre workout snacks they will not only finish their event stronger, but also experience lesser pain and discomfort post the race.

For many years athletes have depended on things like wholewheat toast and instant oatmeal etc. however there are many complex carbohydrate supplements available in the market these days which are not only safe and efficient but also capable of giving a much better performance output.

Times have changed and the competition is tougher than ever, products like Steadfast Nutrition’s Carborance ensure that the athlete finishes the event strong and avoids any major energy dips during the race.

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